Pirates in Paradise 2008 - Key West, Fl
Extra Page: Firing at Sunset
(Photo: Jessica Bagley)
Saluting the sunset in Key West is sort of a time-honored
tradition. The way I've heard it told is that it all started with a
bunch of hippies in the sixties or seventies who went down to Mallory
Docks to enjoy the wonder of the sun dipping into the ocean. They
saluted by snapping their fingers. This caught on and when I made my
first trip to KW in 1992, people showed up at Mallory Docks to applaud
the event. I always thought of it as applauding God - He could probably
use a bit of approval from time to time. (If you don't like that, figure
we're applauding Mother Earth or the Chromatic Refraction of Light. ;))
At PiP we have a lovely view of the sunset from the fort wall. The rules for firing black powder weapons at PiP are strictly observed. One of these rules is that firing must be confined to two time periods: battles and saluting the sunset. Many people choose to observe Key West tradition and come to the fort wall which faces west and fire their hand weapons and cannon to give old Sol a right royal send off.
Above left: the cannons fired - from left background, the all girls cannon crew - Madam Grace, Red Jessi, Kate Souris and Rusty Nell. Foreground - Cannibal Crispy & someone unknown. The disembodied arm belongs to the Viceroy who I artlessly cut out of the picture. Photo above right: Edward O'Keefe and Lily Alexander.
Above left: Captain Jim, Patrick Hand and Edward O'Keefe firing their guns in salute. Above right: Silas Thatcher shoots into a lovely pink and orange denouement.
Above left: Silas Thatcher with Mickey Souris and Mary Diamond at dusk, after the firing. Above right: Cannibal Chrispy sitting pensively on one of the cannon enjoying the splendor.