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Pirates in Paradise 2008 - Key West, Fl

Extra Page: The Continuing Adventures of Lob

Lob sitting in the mortar maw
(Photo: Jessica Bagley)
Lob is a stuffed monkey, whom I first encountered at the Blackbeard Festival in Hampton, VA in 2008. Michael & Kate Souris has been dragging Lob around to events for quite some time, putting him into challenging or provocative situations as the opportunity arises. Since this was Michael and Kate's first trip to PiP, it was also Lob's first trip.

I believe Lob enjoyed Key West...well, no, he probably didn't. As you will see poor Lob got lobbed into all sorts dire circumstances over which he has no control whatsoever. For example, at right, we can see Lob resting in a rather unfortunate place for a stuffed monkey. (To say nothing of the odd configuration of the wee little cannon and the two...well, let's just leave it at that.)

So Lob has had many unfortunate adventures, yet he somehow always seems to survive any potential misadventures intact. So sit back and see how little Lob's vacation went in Key West this year.

Lob in Dutch's pants with Madam Grace petting him (Photo: Jessica Bagley) Dutch spanking Lob (Photo: Jessica Bagley)

The twins with Lob (Photo: Jessica Bagley)

Lob sitting properly on Mary Diamond's shoulder (Photo: Jessica Bagley)

Above: Madam Grace & Dutch,

From left this row: Brig & Mae, Mary Diamond and Patrick Hand.

Below: Lob resting quite comfortably, thank you, with Silkie McDonough.

Patrick Hand holding Lob at arm's length (Photo: Jessica Bagley)

Lob resting on Silkie's Chest (Photo: Jessica Bagley)

Michael Bagley sawing off Lob's legs with a bone saw
(Photo: Jessica Bagley)
Lob with a coffee cup
(Photo: Jessica Bagley)
Left: Lob's father, Michael, shows his undying love for his adopted son & stuffed monkey by removing any superfluous limbs he might have hanging around with Mission's neato-keen new/antique bone saw. At least we are getting a trial run for the thing... Well, except for all the times it's been used in the last 250 years, of course.

Right: Monday morning with a cuppa' Joe. (This may be due to some late night Sunday free imbibing...) The important thing is that Lob is has survived yet another event and may now go on to suffer at future events

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