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Pirates in Paradise 2009 - Key West, Fl

Mission in silhouette at sunset
(Photo: Jessica Bagley
Chapter 8th, 12/6 Night -Of the challenges haunting the pub photo, dinner, why everyone should be a vegetarian, Michael's mead, Stynky's Shite, the pub, drinking, and more drinking as well as a cautionary note about exploring dark bathrooms.

The evening started off pretty slow. Kate Bagley took some glamour shots of me at sunset because Tony (Poppa Ratzi) had explained how to do it with her camera the previous night. Actually, the way she put it was that Tony had told her more about her camera in 10 minutes than she had figured out since she'd bought it several years ago.

(Photo: Jessica Bagley
Right side of the empty table
(Photo: Jessica Bagley
We wandered down to the fort at 6pm for the crew and pub photos. Unfortunately, no one else seemed to know anything about this, so we decided to await dinner. It was a long await because, as is tradition, they had other things to do first. It was also late this year because the roast pig hadn't cooked fast enough for the hungry pirates. So we all sat around in the fort and chattered while we waited for Porky to catch up with the pirate's stomachs. (Well, except for mine and Robyn's, which are vegetarian stomachs. Although hers is much sleeker and more appealing than mine.)

Both sides of the Mercury table were waiting with empty plates and forced grins.

Pyracy Pub group photo
Photo: Mary Diamond
About five minutes before the pig was done, someone decided that it would be a good idea to get the pub picture. This was utter madness, of course, because it takes at least a half hour to get this shot set up. This photo includes lots of people. We had one set of benches for people to stand on in the large group shot, so I suggested we put the medium height people on the bench because there were more of them than tall or short people. Then the tall people could then stand in front medium height folks on the bench and still be shorter than them. (Are you following this?) The upshot of all this was that I wound up on the bench which quickly proved to be hard on my feet after a half-hour of plotting the logistics of this photo.

Caribbean Pearl and Mission
Photo: Mission
On the plus side, I was standing next to Caribbean Pearl, a vivacious young lady from Puerto Rico whose speech rate has been clocked at 300 mph. She is a field partner with Tiger Lee in the traveling version of his Pirate Fashions shop. She insisted I put my arm around her and was most excited when she figured out we were positioned directly under the skull on the banner painted by William Red Wake and crew in 2007. She said we "were going to make the picture." (Well, maybe she would…) However, the banner was tilted and in the process of trying to straighten it out they managed to drop it on our heads. Talking with Caribbean Pearl whilst under the canvas, I noted that, based on our relative positions, we should be going steady. She answered that I would have to get in line to go steady with her. She was a real card

Paula and William eating
Photo: Mission
William and Paula, our cheesy heroes
During the photo set up the pig arrived and everyone not on the pub photo jumped smartly into line. So we pubbers wound up at the back of bus, which is really not all that surprising. I didn't even bother to get in the line it was so long. I instead went back to the table the Mercury folks had staked out to find William, Iron John and Paula eating cheese. William had retrieved it from Iron John's camp before getting shanghaied into the whole picture-taking debacle.

Paula is a charming lady from Brazil who wound up in the States after her first marriage ended. She liked it so much she decided to stay. She was lovely and soft-spoken and I was glad to have met her, especially since she sliced up all the cheese and kept feeding it to your ship's surgeon.

William drinking from a dish
Photo: Mission
While we were sitting there waiting for the line to shrink, somewhere told me that they had re-warmed the Mulligatawny soup and that I could go and get some at any time. No line, excellent soup? You don't have to tell me twice. Returning to the table I shared my newly received insight with the group, who suddenly all became vegetarians. Paula, followed eventually by William and well as me (for seconds) went over to get some. Did I mention before how good it was?

Left: QM William, showing us the real meaning of 'a dish of coffee.'

I was sitting across from Hawkins at dinner and we had a nice chat. He and his wife and her friend recently decided to make a full time career of selling authentic clothing and accouterments in their traveling shop At the Sign of the White Rose. He told me it looks very promising so far. He's an interesting guy to talk with once you get going. When you say something that is really wandering far off the PC farm (like my preference for hotels over tents), he sort of growls deep in his throat, but doesn't say anything more.

After dinner they opened the tavern up and most people quickly disappeared to enjoy the delightful conviviality contained therein. As nice at it is hanging out in the campsites with your crew, the communal area of the tavern is a great place to sit, sing, drink and mix with other people and crews.

I decided to stay under the dining tent for awhile with Micky, Kate, Mark and Jenny Gist because they had decided to remain there and chat while drinking Michael's homemade blueberry mead. Shay of the Keys appeared with her small electric organ so she could play a couple of selections that she had written during the weekend for the event. She has a truly lovely voice which eventually made you wonder if you weren't listening to a show tunes recording. Well, except that the lyrics to the songs were along the lines of "Life is a grand old cannonade..." or something like that. (That would be to the tune of Cabaret if she had actually done it instead of something infinitely more witty.)

Michael and his wine
Photo: Mission
Shay playing her 'clavichord'
Photo: Mission
Left: Michael: a man and his mead - a pretty good combination, if he says so himself.

Right: Shay played three tunes specially composed for the occasion. That's Crudbeard holding her music. (She said she wished her brother George were here...)

Jill-handed Red
Photo: Mission
While Michael, Kate, Mark & Jenny and I were sitting there, Jill-Handed Red appeared on the next bench... OK, she was actually there all along, but I didn't know who she was. She had a bottle of home made wine which she shared with us. She is with the Pyrates of the Coast and had started doing PiP in 2007 like me. Jill works as a bank manager in mainland Florida and told me that the first thing she did when she started there was to institute "fun" policies like allowing Halloween costumes.

Right: Jill-Handed Red opening her homemade wine. (She's shy.)

Her pub name came from a label she created for a bottle of wine. Apparently the PotC crew were making home-made wines which they gave cutesy names based on their pirate names. Her pirate name is Red Handed Jill, so the label was a play on that: Jill-Handed Red (You know, red wine). She definitely had the right humorous tilt for me. I had Kate take several shots of us, some of which I hope my mother never sees.

Boy, get a little alcohol in your ship's surgeon and who knows what will happen. (Although it's never been quite this before.) First Jill got the idea to get a photo of her kissing me. I thought it would be funny to play scared (below left), but when she looked at the camera screen, she didn't like that. So I gave the camera concupiscent instead. So now I'm drunk and I've got this idea for a gag in my head. Thus, I asked Cross to play scared while I kiss him. (This is the wrong person to ask; instead of 'scared' I got 'kewpie doll'.) On the plus side, if I ever lose my last remaining marbles and decide to run for public office, this picture will always be out there to haunt me and prevent that from happening.

Jill-Handed Red kisses Mission 1 Photo: Mission Jill-Handed Red kisses Mission 2 Photo: Mission Mission kissed Cross ?! Photo: Mission

Barbara and Mission posing
Photo: Mission
Mission talking to Crudbeard
Photo: Mission
Sometime after that Blood Thirsty Barbara (wife of Crudbeard and keeper of Oreo) came and gave me a huge hug. The shocked me because I had no idea she even knew who I was. (It's that hat.) She wears one of those special contacts that makes her eye black, which I think is the creepiest effects you can get with contact. When I asked about it, she explained that the bird had done it. Oreo can really kick up a fuss when he (or perhaps she) wants attention. I happened to be walking by their encampment earlier when the bird scared the heck out of me with a loud 'Caw!'

Left: Barbara and I and her scary eye. Right: Me and Crudbeard.

About this time, Michael and Kate decided to check out the tavern(below), so Jill-Handed Red and I ambled over there with them. It was just like the tavern of bygone years, lit entirely by candle and containing many rowdy pirates singing along with the song leaders on the makeshift stage. Michael actually knew all the words, so he sang along.

The Sunday night pub scene Photo: Mission Mission and Jill-Handed Red PhotoMission

After doing that for a bit, we left where I ran into several people whom I forced to pose for +Mission photos.

Below left, Oderless eye...plus Mission. Center, Mark...plus Mission (goofy pose). Right, Spike plus booze...plus Mission. OK, that is wayyy more than enough of that.

Mission + Oderless Eye Photo: Mission Mission + Mark Diamond Photo: Mission Mission + Spike Photo: Mission

Posing in Key West
Photo: Mission
Posing in Bolivia
Photo: Mission
Speaking of Oderless Eye, he asked me to get a picture of he and Mary Diamond by the PiP flag. (He eventually added me to the photo - reluctantly.) He's a machinist and I work with machinists, so we talked about that for awhile. He also noted how bizarre and diverse the topics and people on the Pub were. He said something like, "Someone even started a thread about rabbits that was hilarious!" (That person must be some kind of bloody loon, says I.)

For some reason, the photo of us reminded me of the one on the right. Brain damaged? You decide.

Stynky Tudor
Photo: William
Stynky was not around Sunday night, having to leave early because he, Braze and Cascabel were all leaving early. This meant no hat trading or other bizarre stories. In fact, it was one of the quietest PiP Sunday evenings I can recall. Stynky did leave us were two bottles of something which he called Grog with us. We called it 'Stynky's Shite'. (OK, that wasn't quite what they called it, but you get the idea.) It was kind of funny offering it to people because the conversation usually went like this:

Me: "Here, try this, it's really good." They: "What is it?"
Me: "It's something Stynky made."
Pause. Look of slight suspicion.
Me: "Really, it's good." They: "Stynky made it?"Me: "Yeah!"
Pause. The mark takes the bottle and sniff the mouth of it.
They: "It smells like cloves or something."Me: "It's good!"
Pause. Tentatively take the smallest of small sips.
They: "Hey that is really good!"

Left: Is this a man you can trust? (He says he hates you.) However, I sure missed him on Sunday.

Dread Surgeon Mission pondering
Photo: Mission
Dread Surgeon Mission and Kate Bagley
Photo: Mission
About this time, I sensed something in the air... something not right. It may have been the potato salad from dinner. Whatever it was a heroic presence was needed...

Unfortunately, none was a available. But I had had way more than enough to drink, so I thought I'd fill in. The Dread Surgeon Mission head scarf appeared and I sought to improve things. I failed.

Left: Who (or what) is that masked cretin?

Jack Roberts using fuel to start the fire
Photo: Mission
Red Jessi and Patrick (smoking)
Photo: Mission
Back at the campsite, I found Jack Roberts starting a fire. He cheated, using lighter fluid, with I think puts a dent in his FB reputation. (FB = er, Farging Bastidge because you are so good at re-enacting.) I expected him to be using period flint and steel. (Although earlier in the weekend, the estimable Patrick Hand had informed me that his cigarette lighter contained both flint and steel and that was good enough for him.)

Left: FB status in peril!

Right: The Prince of Pirates gives a reprieve! (It was about the time this was taken that he said it. )

Dread surgeon Mission and Mary
Photo: jetgoff
As I sat there, people began to filter into the Archangel camp and we eventually had a nice, if not a boisterous, gathering. Mary Diamond and husband Mark found me and we chatted until Mark begged off and went to bed. Poor Mark is not a big 'dress-up' kind of guy and had been sitting at the Commodore's table for dinner with Mary which required him to dress in finery. I was very impressed with his kit, even if he did seem to want to scratch himself in funny places from time to time. (Not that he did. He just seemed like it.) Mary, being Mary, didn't have to borrow anything to dress in finery and look very nice.

Mark departed, but Mary stayed and we spent a very pleasant hour discussing life, the universe and everything while sipping Stynky's Shite...once we got through the whole "Try it, it's really good" routine.

Right: Mary and the Dread Surgeon Mission conversing at the Archangel Camp near the end of the night.

Mary and I then went on a joint-bathroom hunting expedition which is a story unto itself. For some reason they had left the doors to the beach bathroom open, but the lights off, leaving your ship's surgeon groping around the bathroom in the dark trying to find the urinal. (Do not try to do this. Ever. If you can't figure out why, you're as foolish as I am.) We wound up giving up on that and trekking to the main bathrooms near the fort. After that I wandered back over to the campsite. Sensing I was sliding into the realms of Beyond Tired, I bid everyone good night. Kate Bagley volunteered to drive me back to the fort to save the mile or so walk, which I instantly accepted.

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