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Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, Dec 2013 - Key West, FL
Chapter 4th: Friday, December 7th, Afternoon. Of the Friday battle as seen by the surgeon in the field and by the Mercury quartermaster on a ship; Looking at preparations for
Photo: Mission
Laurence's Cannons. El Jefe is in the Middle
the fight; A profile of Catalina De Alquezar as written mostly by herself (because the surgeon is lazy
and she writes more mellifluously (look it up) than he does); The trouble with flags; A Profile of Ken Horton and Treating the Wounded in the Usual (ineffective) fashion.
The battle was on the field in front of the fort with the pirates on the right and the British on the left. I decided to play with the pirates today, bringing my trusty clyster syringe along to revive any
wounded. Captain Jim and I went out to the field at the appointed time only to find that everyone else
Photo: Poppa Ratsey
The Pirate's Large Guns on Friday
was on island time. It gave us a chance to admire the Viceroy's cannons.
The Viceroy had cast a new cannon for this year named 'El Jefe' which was a brass monster of a gun. I don't know the specs of it, but it was bigger (and certainly louder) than any other gun on the field. They had two other large brass guns in their arsenal, but nothing like The Boss.
The pirates started drifting onto the field, as pirates will do,
Photo: Mission
Cat Making a Silly Face
so Jim and I made our way over to 'our side'. The cannon crews began practicing as soon as they
arrived. We had several small cannons and a smattering of deck guns mounted on poles. While we did have quite a few more guns, I don't think the lot of them melted down could make something as massive as El Jefe.
On our way to the field, we ran into Cat's movie crew who were shooting their student movie on the pathway that led from the fort entrance to the battlefield. Cat was directing Zach and Rachel and she made a really silly face at me when I took the photo which I wouldn't post here if I didn't have space for it. (Well, maybe I would still post it. OK, probably.)
Klaus Chroszielewski was there, chatting with photographer Marie. So I took photos of that thinking it would be a nice lull before the storm sort of thing. Part of the movie crew was also manning one of the deck guns along with Blackheart Charlie as you see below. I don't know if that was for the movie, or just because Cat wanted to fire a gun in the battle. Maybe it was both.
![]() Klaus and Marie the Photographer |
![]() Heather & Jovon |
![]() Photo: Mission The Movie Crew Cannoneers w/ Black Charlie |
Scarlett Jai was there organizing the troops. She was looking for someone to hold the pirate flag, so I volunteered since my surgical role wouldn't come into play until people started getting wounded. The small arms folks were discussing their game plan, which involved firing from the sidelines and marching past the cannons once the cannoneers ran out of cannon charges. Then some of them would be killed. I advised everyone to fall face down because it's a pain in the neck to have to keep rolling people over to administer my 'cure.' No one seemed inclined to follow my advice, however. (Honestly, I don't know why these pirates go to all the trouble of capturing a surgeon when they won't follow his prescriptions.)
![]() Scarlett Instructing: Beau, Sgt. Jeff, Scarlett, Keith, Foxy Gengen and Captain Jim |
![]() Photo: Mission's Camera Mission & The Pirates of the Dark Rose Flag |
Photo: Poppa Ratsey
Catalina Serious
we were waiting for the action to commence, I went over and talked with Catalina De Alquezar. She has a lovely Spanish accent, so I asked her where she was from originally. (Spain, natch.) She told me that her family had started coming over to Miami from Spain 17 years ago and she had arrived in 2002. Catalina worked in her family importing business in Miami. I asked her how she kept her rich accent and she explained that they all spoke Spanish at their import business since they were constantly communicating with Spain.
I asked her some questions after the event via Facebook to put together a better profile and I liked her responses so much that I will insert them here in full.
Photo: Poppa Ratsey
Catalina Saucy
"Hmmm... I am very new at this; even though my first event was in Key Largo in October 2012, I was still not convinced of doing this, never been interested in pirate stuff before, but December 2012 was my first year in FTPI and then I was hooked! Why? Because it is the real thing, you are transported, it is magic! And I love to see how people get so into it, all the amazing stuff people make. This year there was a group who even made a smoker (probably a boucan) out of branches and cooked everything there."
"People are so creative and fun, as well as friendly. And those cannons, I love to work with the cannons, make charges, wondering how it would feel to fire "El Jefe"!! Man, I love the smell of black powder! I repeat, I am very new, still a lot to learn, a lot of shyness to fight, but I'm in the process. (That's my real person talking)."
"I could tell you a little bit about my character, Catalina, but I don't know if that's what you need. It's interesting to see/feel how the character develops, I've never experienced it before, but I suppose it is what happens to writers, their characters come to life.""
![]() Catalina at the Dance |
![]() Catalina and Henry Avery |
![]() Photo: Mission Catalina Fires a Cannon (I have to include the battle somehow.) |
Photo: Mission
Captain Jim Being Disorderly
Photo: Mission
Catalina & the Clyster Syringe
battle started on time at 2pm, which in itself was amazing. Jai had advised us to act all disorganized and to drink liquids from bottles in an exaggerated fashion as soon as the battle commenced.
I had set my clyster syringe on a water jug on the field so I could hold the flag I had with both hands. Catalina asked if she could grab the clyster syringe during the confusion and act as if it were a gun and then look confused and set it back down. I thought this was a wonderful idea and encouraged her to do so.
Once the battle began, there was a lot of back-and-forth small arm and cannon firing, occasionally punctuated by the roar of El Jefe. People on the fort wall watching reported that they could even feel that monster gun's blast up there. We were supported by, or possibly being fired upon by (it wasn't really clear), four ships at sea with small arms and cannons on board. They kept crossing back and forth in front of the battle field.
![]() Pirates Readying Their Cannons (Searle's Buccaneers - Foreground) |
![]() The British Preparing Their Cannons for Battle |
![]() The British Firing El Jefe at the Pirates |
![]() The Pirate Cannons Firing on the British With Ship Support |
While all that was going on, Quartermaster William and madPete were on the schooner Jolly II Rover. William took a lot of pictures of their crew as well as some of the other ships that were participating, so I thought I'd take a break from the cannon action (which sounds interesting, but a couple of pictures actually go a long way) and include a variety of William's shots before continuing. First the ships...
![]() The Jolly II Rover in Port |
![]() Crew member Climbing Up the Mast |
![]() The Sarah and Schooner Wolf at Sea |
![]() Danger Charters Ship The Sarah Attacks Fort Taylor |
`![]() The Schooner Wolf Passing in Front of the Fort |
Photo: William Pace's Camera
William Climbing in the Ropes
Photo: William Pace
madPete Ascends the Rope Ladder
As part of the Jolly II Rover's Cruise, they gave those riding the opportunity to get into the ropes so that they could pose for photos. Both Mercury crew members William and madPete took advantage of this opportunity as you see here. No one else seems to have been so brave, although I wasn't there and can't verify that. However, William rarely misses an opportunity to shoot such pictures.
They also gave people the chance to steer the ship. (From my cruise on Sunday, I know they did this once they were far away from anything the ersatz captain could hit.) Several people on the Jolly II Rover grabbed this opportunity as you see below.
![]() Dutch Steering the Jolly II Rover |
![]() madPete Assumes Command |
![]() Jhode Aims For Something. (Does the guy in red seem nervous?) |
Of course, the reason they were on the ship was to attack the fort on behalf of... someone? I'm really not sure whether it was the Brits or the pirates. It's kind of hard to say, even based on my own experience a few days later. We just sort of fired whenever we were alongside the battle at whomever happened to be near us. Point being, they fired at the fort as you see below.
![]() madPete Readying His Rifle to Fire |
![]() William & Gun (?) |
![]() Ken Firing With Jhode's Help. (I hear, "Yes, dear.") |
Photo: Terry Smith
Action-Packed Shot from the 2013 Put-in-Bay "Things Jay Does"
of madPete (which I was doing in some of the photos above), William took a lot of photos of him brandishing his musket. In none of these photos did I notice any proof that he was actually firing his weapon. This is not to say that he didn't. It's not to say that he did, either. Point being, these reminded me a lot of one of my favorite bits for the mid-western pirate events I attend, which are called Things Jay Does. There are at least a half dozen of these as of this writing and they are riveting good press. They have brought such notoriety to Jay that he no longer attends events that I am at just to avoid all the unwanted press. (Either that or I just annoy him.)
Anyhow, Jay wasn't here. I hope I didn't get you excited to see yet another fascinating account of Jay lighting his pipe or listening to someone. However, William's series of photos of madPete reminded me so much of that would-be award winning series that I thought it would be neat to use them in a similar fashion. I just hope this doesn't drive mP from going to events that I attend. Mostly I hope that. OK, mostly I hope to win some actual rather than just would-be awards and if madPete can't take the heat, well....
![]() madPete Contemplates His Musket |
![]() madPete Looking Out to Sea With His Gun |
![]() Something Causes Him to Get Up! |
![]() Apparently A False Alarm... |
![]() madPete Misses a Prize |
![]() A Close-Up of madPete, His Rifle and the Prize He Missed |
You will also notice that there were several photos of Jhode and her husband Ken.
Photo: William Pace
Ken Looks Sharp for a Prize
Jhode was profiled in the Eastport Surgeon's Journal from September 2013. Ken had come with her to Key West this year and I was most pleased to meet him. Ken looks a lot like a thin Joshamee Gibbs – he has that same sort of face and had cut his facial hair in a similar fashion. In fact, when I first met him, I said, "Hey, you look like Gibbs!" as if it were the most original thing that had ever been said. He replied in a slightly careworn way, "So I've heard." Immediately sensing that this would make for a really annoying running gag, I said that every time I saw him for day. He quickly caught on, so I changed it to other names that made no sense or just "Hey you look like someone… but I'm not sure who." OK, I admit, I was not on top of my game. I should have said he looked like Barry Manilow or Antonio Banderas. (Because it's fun to say. Try it. Antoooonio Banderrrrras! Trill the 'r'. See what I mean?) But I didn't.
This was actually his first pirate event, which surprised me, given his dedication to the look. He explained that, "The Gibbs look was an accident, I grew a beard to see what I wanted for my pirate look and as I shaved it off came upon Gibbs in the mirror. Well, Jhode pointed it out. I think I will go with it." I think he should go with it as well since it looks so right. Besides, you often see Jack Sparrows and even William Turners and Calypsos, but I have never before seen someone doing a spot on Gibbs. Plus, that look translates easily into a period correct style if he ever decided to go that route.
Photo: Poppa Ratsey
Ken in the Fort
He liked visiting Key West - Jhode had lived there before and had many friends. No doubt she could also show him some of the more interesting and intimate details of this curious island paradise. He enjoyed the fact that the people he met were so nice and relaxed. He also savored the history behind the event. "I love learning something new and there is a lot of interest in the livelihood of pirates and why they were pirates." In addition to being a pirate fan, Ken told me he was a secret geek who enjoyed Dr. Who and sci-fi movies.
Professionally he has been involved with renewable energy. He used to build solar homes in Malibu, California. He also loves gardening and is currently creating a gardening business that is similar to one he sold in 2007. He hoped to be able to somehow wrap this into his interest in traveling and reeneactments.
I asked about he and Jhode, since they seemed to be such a nice fit. He explained that she was wonderful, "an amazing artist and great friend. We have great times together traveling and look forward to doing more like FTPI in the future."
![]() A Boy and His Toy |
![]() Ken and Jhode, Pirates at Heart |
![]() Ken and Mumble (er, Diosa) |
Photo: Mission
Willie Wobble, His Red Shirt and Red Flag on the Battle Field
Back on the battle field, Willie Wobble of Searle's Buccaneers waving a red flag (a red flag means "No Surrender" for you land-lubbers.) I was also waving my banner.
Well, I was waving it now and then. See, every once in a while, I would stop and take photos of the scene so that I could have something in this part of the Journal to show you all. Then Scarlett Jai would yell at me for not waving my flag enough ("Big flags! I wanna see big flags!"), so I'd have to stop taking pics and get back to swinging the canvas around. You don't cross Scarlett Jai.
She didn't have to yell it at Willie as much as she did at me. Willie is so serious about his flag duties that he wears a matching red shirt so that no one, and I mean NO ONE, will miss the point that he is trying to make. (Which is: no surrender. Just like I explained to you before. Pay more attention next time.)
![]() Willie Waving His Flag Manically |
![]() More of Willie Waving His Flag |
![]() Willie, Flag. You Get the Picture By Now. |
Photo: Wendy Wellman
Diosa on the Wall Explaining that the Battle is "Somewhere over thataway." (No, not really.)
I was actually hanging around with the small arms folks - people with rifles and hand guns who were firing on the sidelines in support of the cannons. Mostly I was trying to stay the heck out of the way.
Up on the wall of the fort, folks were watching the battle with Diosa giving commentary. I wasn't fortunate enough to hear any of it, although we'd occasionally catch a loud shout of "Boo!" or some such when the pirates were losing. Diosa gave her account of the events in her blog Presenting the Past. But it is no more.
![]() Some of the Small Arms by the Fort Wall Side of the Battle |
![]() The Fort Wall Audience, Commentator & Hangers On |
Photo: Mission's Camera
Zach Being a Good Sport
The cannoneers finally ran out of charges and the pirates ran forward. The Brits fired El Jefe and many people fell down as if wounded. Now was my moment! I handed my flag to Lily who didn't really want it. (You know, Scarlett and her 'Big flags!") I was ready to cure the wounded!
Except the other part of the battle script said that everyone was to run away. Not being clear on what they should do exactly, most of the wounded decided to be magically healed so that they could get back up and run. Zach Porterfield happened to be on the field when I was expressing my frustration with all the instant cures. He agreed to fall face down for me so that I could get my photo. We shot this and then off he ran. He's a good sport, Zach is.
Wasabi had also remained sitting on the battle field, sitting. He started crying for the surgeon, so I jogged over to see what he wanted. He asked me to use the clyster syringe to inject medicine in his mouth! I agreed to do so, but sternly warned him not to let his lips touch the syringe tip. (I do know where that thing has been.)
![]() Lily Refusing Treatment (Honestly, why do I bother trying to fix them?) |
![]() Wasabi Requesting a Very Unorthodox Treatment |
Photo: Mission
Iron Jon Filling in For the Surgeon
I went back to the fort where I found Iron Jon filling in for me. He was doing a good job, but seemed more than happy to hand it back over to me. So I did my surgeon shtick for an hour or so and then closed up shop so that I could get back to the condo and get my dance ticket before sunset.
See, the fort closes and locks the gates at sunset and no one is allowed to enter or leave for half an hour. Steve and Iron Jon had been making what looked to be a splendid diner and I didn't want to miss it. So I skedaddled on my bike, taking a quick sponge bath and changing into clothes that hadn't yet been given an inside coating of sweat. (It was a dance, after all.)
Dinner was everything it looked to be. Steve and Iron Jon had made chicken that just fell off the bone according to informed sources. Your vegetarian ship's surgeon stuck with the potatoes in cheese sauce and corn on the cob. By way of dessert, Steve had prepared little blueberry muffins in a Dutch oven. Delish.
Curiously, Steve didn't have any of his own food. Someone asked him if he was going to have something and he replied, "I'm not gonna' eat that crap!" Welcome to the Mercury crew!
![]() Photo: Mission Iron Jon and Steve Preparing Dinner at the Camp Fire |
![]() Photo: Mission Iron Jon Slices Up the Squab for the Mercury Crew |